Build a healthier future for your organization

At Kaiser Permanente, we know your organization has unique needs. That's why we offer a variety of provider networks, benefit options, and services for you to choose from. Whether you are looking for the quality and value of our Core plan or more provider choice with a PPO plan, you'll have access to our high-performing health system.1

Washington Permanente Medical Group is the highest-ranked medical group in the state for quality of care, and among the highest-ranked for lower cost of care.2

Recognized with 17 awards
for best practices by the Bree Collaborative Trailblazer awards in 2024.3

Performance-based plans

Encouraging health engagement

Our performance-based plans help motivate your employees to make healthier choices and adopt healthier behaviors. This approach includes value-based benefit design, proactive outreach, provider choice, and account-based plans for greater employee accountability.

Powering provider performance

At Kaiser Permanente, our physicians are salaried and incentives are linked to the quality of their care rather than the quantity. Additionally, we work closely with the contracted providers in our network to align their compensation practices with improvements in patient care and satisfaction.

100+ doctors recognized in Seattle’s Top Docs 2023 list in Seattle Magazine and Seattle Met.4

Convenient and connected statewide care delivery

Your employees have many options for care, whether in person or virtually. Every touchpoint is connected in our integrated system — so we can coordinate their care for better outcomes.

The Kaiser Permanente Washington app

  • Conveniently connects your employees with their care teams
  • Makes it easier for members to track their treatment, medication, and progress
  • Recognizes warning signs and flags members who need attention from their care teams
  • Offers high-quality educational resources

Population health management

Establishing your needs

We define the health risks of your workforce, identify the gaps in care, and measure the outcome of our interventions. This personalized approach, focused on prevention and disease management, helps keep employees healthier and helps to lower your total cost of care over time.

Measuring your success

Our reporting and consulting services give you a clear picture of the way your health care dollars are being spent. As the health care needs of your employees change, we'll work with you to respond through plan adjustments or customized engagements.

Supporting better outcomes

Our physicians and providers we directly contract with form the core of our ongoing health management efforts. Your employees will receive proactive support and engaged outreach as they work to reduce their medical risks and achieve their health goals.

1 Criteria established by American Medical Group Association

2 Washington Health Alliance 2024 Community Checkup report.

3 Bree Collaborative Awards, accessed February 28, 2024.

4 As recognized by Seattle Magazine, Seattle Met.

Large group forms

Our comprehensive suite of products addresses the multifaceted health needs of large organizations in a post-reform world.